Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strange and some more good news!

Chloe's teacher is great. She has a folder that she writes in everyday to tell me what they did at school and if anything unusual happened, just to be able to communicate and document things. This week her teacher wrote one day that the speech therapist pulled her aside for her daily therapy and Chloe wasn't able to even answer to what her name is or how old she is ???? I don't think that she couldn't hear her. It was just that she couldn't understand her I guess. The therapist works with her every day and she usually is at least able to answer those questions. This just breaks my heart, this disorder is so confusing and frustrating. I know that it must have just been a AN moment for her. I wish I could know what my little girl is going through, that she could maybe explain it to me. I guess this is just another reason for me to know that we are making the right decision for her with doing the cochlear implants.

I found out that our insurance will cover 30 visits to the speech therapist per year! This wont cover all of our visits but it is more than our old insurance! I was so relieved to find this out. Because at one point I was told that our new insurance would not cover speech therapy and it is such a vital thing for Chloe to have after having the surgery I was worried how we would pay for that too. So this was more great news for us :)

1 comment:

  1. Kazie-Does UT not have free services provided to children of school age after early intervention? Or would you just pursue speech therapy beyond what they could provide? Shannon tested out of speech once she aged out of ei, but she still gets free pt, and will continue to do so for as long as she qualifies, score-wise.
